Monday, August 9, 2010

Beginning of Week 4...

I cannot believe this is the beginning of week 4 of our remodeling process. Here is a update...
This is our front door and entry way. I still "birth" myself by going through the plastic doors.
Here's a picture from the front door...labeled where things were before the gutting. We are not putting up any walls, but leaving it wide open. There will be two columns holding up the support beam. Right now, I am not sure why there are three.
This is the view from standing in the old dining room. You can see the front door and walk way to the sunroom.
And this is from the old kitchen. This week they will finish the framing, electricity, and dry wall! This is the messiest week with the dry wall. After this week, noisy, but not so dusty! Please cross your fingers!

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