Friday, August 1, 2014

Vineyard Yummies!

I RARELY take photos of my food...untiiilllll I started taking a Amy tangerine class. It's all about getting inspiration from your surroundings to include in your scrapbooks! One week, Amy shared how to include food! So, I took it to heart what she suggested and now I have a boat load of food and drink pictures to share with you! 
I enjoyed a ice cold mug of beer at the Cheers bar in Boston!
Clam Chowder is a must on the east coast. We had chowder at Ye Old Union Oyster House. It is the oldest consecutive running restaurant in America!
Jason ordered some lobster pasta. The lobster was very creepy!

We couldn't' help but take a close up snapshot and send it to the boys!

The first night at Martha's Vineyard we went back to the restaurant we went to the first night of our honeymoon. We loved the lime beer! Still just as good!

My second favorite food on the east coast are warm lobster rolls. This one was cold, but I wouldn't think of sending it back!!

I have seen tons of these coffee pictures on instagram and always wanted one! Well, the Coffee Shop Behind the Bookstore served it up just like I have always wanted!  Love it!!
This is my first favorite food on the east coast...crab cakes!! To die for! I had a crab cake this afternoon and was in heaven!

I discovered Huckleberry Lemonade Vodka. Oh wow!

This WARM sautéed lobster roll made me want to stand up and clap, but the drunk lady at the table next to us was already doing that!

And we ended each night with a small, yes this is a small, ice cream cone!
I am glad that Amy tangerine inspired me to take photos of my food...but looking at the picture makes me miss it sooo much!

1 comment:

  1. We've never talked about it, but crab cakes are my favorite food ever! Whenever we're on the East coast (which isn't too often!) I order them everywhere!

    Great food pics!

