Thursday, July 31, 2014

Part 2: Martha's Vineyard....

Fifteen years ago, Jason and I went to Martha's Vineyard for our honeymoon. Finally, after 15 years of talking about someday heading back to the island, someday came!
On the island there isn't anything commercial or chain to be found. No chain hotels, restaurants or Starbucks. Which is good...makes us get out of our comfort zone! We stayed in a great bed and breakfast. Our room is the top floor, on the left with the double balcony!
 Isn't our bed just the cutest thing!!

The entire time we were there, we never turned on the air! Which was fine, because we just opened the doors that lead to our balcony! All day, every day we enjoyed the cool ocean breeze!
This was the view from our balcony, looking over the harbor.
This is a shot looking down towards main street Edgartown.
The first night was cold and rainy, so we headed to the local movie theater to watch the original Jaws! Why such the excitement? Jaws was filmed on Martha's Vineyard!! Eeeekkkk!!!

Next morning we headed to the Coffee Shop Behind the Book Store. That's the name of the little shop! See the tarps/shade/banners in the background? That is were we enjoyed our breakfast!

This is the Edgartown book store!

We took a lot of selfies or attempted selfies, I should say! this one is in front of the Edgartown lighthouse!

We did a lot of walking around the town and enjoying the local shops!

We went for a bike ride one day...rode from Edgartown to the next town Oak Bluffs. Jaws beach is in the background!

Jason actually jumped off the Jaws bridge!! Look at him go! I thought he was trying to touch his toes!

Can't beat this view while enjoying a local lobster roll or clam chowder!!
On our walk we found the bed and breakfast we stayed at 15 years ago. Our room was on the second floor on the right. Oh my. It was in amazing shape 15 years ago. I bit run down now!

Here's a close up of the room we stayed in during our honeymoon. Not so sweet now! Glad Jason and I haven't aged as much as this place!!
We would love to head back to the vineyard with the boys someday...I hope we don't wait 15 years!!

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous pictures! Looks like you had an awesome time. That is one place(of many places!) I've never been. Beautiful!

