Monday, August 4, 2014


I am currently reading the book Outlander. While book shopping one day, I saw the book Written in My Own Heart Blood, read the back and mentioned to mom that this sounded good. She then enlightened me that it was a series of books and that this was actually the 8th in the series.
So after some research, I decided to start with the first book of the series, Outlander. It's a mere 850 pages long. I had plenty of time to start to read it on our vacation...with the three hour plane delay! I was instantly hooked.
Well, much to my sheer pleasure, after I started reading the book,  I then found out that the book has just recently been created in to a 16 hour show on starz!
The book starts in 1945, where Claire, a former combat nurse, is back from war and reunited with her husband Frank on their second honeymoon. She takes a walk through an ancient store circle and she is suddenly in Scotland in the year of 1743.
Here, she meets Scottish warriors and James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, AKA Jamie. Lucky her!
Even if you haven't read the book, the show has been getting rave reviews and I would highly recommend checking it out! Even if the pilot doesn't catch your interest, stay with it...I am pretty sure you won't be disappointed!!

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