Monday, April 8, 2013

A Weekend in KC...

Over spring break, we headed to Kansas City for a long weekend...

The boys were super excited and enjoyed a ride on our cart up the elevator.

We walked around on the Plaza the first afternoon and evening.  It was 82 degrees..perfect!!! We ate lunch at our favorite dive, "Fred P. Otts.' jack enjoyed some ROOT beer.

Sam watched the first day of March Madness.

Since it was so nice, the boys wore shorts to show off their pale scaly legs!! Jack was SO happy!! Just love his super big toothy grin!

That night Jason and I ordered calamari (because we love it) but mostly just to gross out the boys!!

Yea, whatever, Sam!!

Sam practiced tying a tie. Jason had showed him how the week before...he's still practicing.

Jack told Sam, "Just wear one of these. You don't even need to tie it!  I look like James Bond after he goes on a mission!"

When we get back to the hotel, Jack prefers to make a "nest" on the floor beside Sam, instead of sleeping with Sam.

According to Jack, Sam takes  up the entire bed.  Doesn't look like he does!!!

The next day was back to reality with the weather. We walked to the Starbucks on the Plaza and had hot chocolates.

"Make mine a grande," Sam said, then in a lower voice, "but still at kids temp. please"

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