Friday, April 5, 2013

An Easter Hunt...

When the boys woke up on Easter Sunday, there were two eggs on their bedroom floor. (Make note that Sam and Jack sleep in the same room in bunk beds.) When they opened the eggs, they found this message...

Off to hunt...Jack was to look for baseball and monkey eggs, while Sam was to find basketball and football eggs.

Jack thought this was a pretty clever place to hide an egg!!

Moose just followed and watched the boys...I think she thought, "Wow, this is a lot of action early in the morning!"

We had the table set for Easter dinner...Sam check out all the cups.  Yep, our company drank out of those same cups that had Sam's fingers in them...yum.

Moose decided to stay in one spot and just watch...

Time to open the eggs...


Inside there were coupons for "special" days with family!

There were also puzzle pieces.  Both boys had to put the pieces together to figure out where the Easter bunny had hid their Easter surprise!  If you look closely, the "clue" is spelled in sticker letters.."Under your bed."

Sam found a creator Lego set...under his bed!!!

Jack put this puzzle together.  His clue was "in a locker."

He headed out to the lockers in our garage and the Easter bunny had delivered him a Batman vs. Bane Lego set.

Another successful Easter egg hunt!  Then we all went back to bed...not really, just Jason and Moose!

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