Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Cinnabon Coffee cake...

Sam has been helping in the kitchen lately.  He LOVES to make mac n' cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches. He has learned this from ME!! I believe that everyone should be able to make "staple" lunches. Now on the other hand, Jason has taught him how to bake and some other "advanced" kitchen skills.

For Easter, Jason helped Sam make a Cinnabon Coffee Cake. It was seriously awesome!! It was so good that my dad had two helpings on Easter and then wanted to take some home with him...that has NEVER happened with one of my...I mean one of our dishes!! Even my mom has been after ME wanting to get the recipe...which is included below!  Sam and Jack had leftover cake for breakfast the next morning! It is some seriously good cake.

A close up of this dreamy goodness! Sorry about the nasty pan in the background.  I made egg souffle (I seriously made it!!) and someone likes mushroom soup to put on the souffle.  I don't know who likes the mushroom soup, because I don't think anyone use any!

If you want to try out the Cinnabon Coffee Cake, click on the link below.
 Don't check out the calorie count!!

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