Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Jack at Basketball...

Basketball season for the boys has begun...
 Before the game, Jason talked with Jack about how when he is guarding someone, he needs to stay right on him..Jack took Jason's advice to heart!

The poor kid he was guarding couldn't even move!

I think the boy is trying to make a deal with Jack, "My mom is trying to take my picture, so can you back up about two feet.  You will still be very close, but my mom will be able to get a better picture."

Love the smile on this kid!

While on the sidelines, Jack decided to do a little tebowing.  All Jack...

Look at how all the other little guys are sitting and watching the game...not jack...

This is Jack dribbling...maybe he should stick to sit ups and tebowing!

And this is Jack shooting a basket...it's like the coach gave him a little extra help!

More dribbling...

During the game, the coach would yell out to all the players, "Who's your guy?" (meaning who's is guy that you are guarding.) Right at this moment, he is asking Jack, "Jack. Who's your guy?" Jack is pointing to the guy that is shooting the basketball!!

And more shooting...
I just love watching the "little" ones play basketball!!

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