Monday, January 16, 2012

An Addition to the Fort...

The boy's fort, which we have been working on since we moved in, has a new addition to it...a DOOR!!
(slow and steady builds the fort!)

This door has made a huge difference in the amount of time the boys have been spending out there. Since the weather has been amazing, the boys have headed out there after school each day to "hang-out."

"Welcome to our fort, mom! You are the only girl allowed!"
The perks of being the mom!

Sign of a "true" Belding boys area!

One girl that would be invited, but doesn't have the means to visit...waits, somewhat patiently down below!

A look at the inside...the apple basket is their garbage can (absolutely NO food or drinking leftovers in the garbage can, boys, or you will have a mouse problem!)  a radio to play tunes (which Sam is singing to at the time of the picture) a table, a couple of stools (not to sit on, but to use as ramps.)

In the far corner, there is a small square bean bag, which holds two fleece blankets.  The mice would love to warm up in those, too! Above the windows are lights...ones you push to turn on..too bad the boys have forgotten to push them off!!  And the boys have added two Lego posters in the far corner of the fort...that made me giggle..all this beautiful wall space and the two posters are in the far corner...typical boy decorating!

Still waiting!!!

The boys in their fort.  I told them they need to name their fort and then we can make a sign to put above the window so all can see when they visit! 
"What do you think you would name your fort guys??? " I asked.
"The Fort," Sam replied.
Seriously?  "Well we can work on the name later," I replied.

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