Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Basketball for Sam...

Sam's basketball season has also begun.It was a bit more "calm" than Jack's, but still a lot of fun to watch!
Sam doing some guarding...

Dribbling the ball...his form is a bit more advanced than Jack's.

Sam will go to a new school next year due to the ankney school boundaries changing.  This will be his FOURTH school that he has attended in elementary.  A positive about this, is that Sam knows a lot of different kids.  Here he is guarding one of his friends from another school. It's funny, because they will be "pairing" up on the line before tip off and Sam will be saying, "Hey, Mark! Hey, Luke!"

Going after the ball...One time he went after the ball and lowered his should into the guy a bit.  We reminded him after the game that he can't use his football moves in basketball!! He also ran into a kid when running back down the court and looked over to him and said, "Oh, sorry!"

Sam just stole this exciting!!

He shoots...and scores...(I think.)

So intense! Then he probably apologized after getting the ball!!  That's my boy!
Sam is enjoying basketball..i think because he has only one practice and one game a week.  Unlike football!!

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