Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Animal Kingdom...

On day 2 we headed to Animal Kingdom.  We are still doing well with getting up and getting going...wait until you see tomorrow's morning picture! (though, Jack does look as if he could use another hour of sleep!)

Another Mickey waffle morning...these were Sam's.  Don't worry, he didn't even eat half of the pile!

Started the day on a Safari ride.  It was fabulous!  LOADS of animals were out..due to it being in the morning and the weather was cooler.  Look at all these Nile Crocodiles!!  ICK!! 



Took a walking tour around the Tree of Life. Loved spotting all the different animals carved into the tree.

Under the Tree of Life we went to the 3D movie "It's Tough Being a Bug."  The host of the show is Flick, the ant from the movie A Bug's Life.  It is all about how bugs have different defenses to protect them from their predators.  There is a termite that spits acid...when it spit acid, we all got sprayed on with water!  A big stink bug sprayed it's nasty odor and the room smelled terrible! 

At one point during the movie the lights go out and you hear a swarm of wasps and the back of your seat actually gives you a little shock..Jas squealed when this happened.  (I had read about this before hand...imagine that...and leaned forward as well as pushing Jack forward, too.)  At the end of the movie Flick tells us to be kind and allow all the cockroaches and termites to exit before us.  Suddenly, you feel a bug crawling on your seat under your rear-end...Sam and I instantly stood up!!  It was way too real for me!

Jason rode the roller coaster in the background, Expedition Everest.  When you reach the "top" of the roller coaster, it stops because a Yeti has torn out the tracks.  The roller coaster then proceeds to go back down the tracks in reverse!!  Jason told Sam that he would ride it first, tell him how it was and then Sam could ride it with him...well, as you can see, Sam was a bit worried about the ride!  He opted not to go...I don't blame him!

We then went on a jungle trek.  We got to watch the HUGE amazing gorillas.  I could have stayed there all day to watch them!  Amazing animals!

Jack made his first purchase after seeing the gorillas...His own gorilla named Spike, after one of the gorillas we watched.

That evening, we hung out at the hotel swimming.  We then watched the Disney movie "The Sword and the Stone" on the beach! I could have done the every night!
There is SO SO SO SO much to do!!
Tomorrow Magic Kingdom!!!

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