Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hollywood Studios Day 1...

Wow..what a week.  We just got back from a seven day "vacation" at Disney World!! It was fabulous, amazing and tiring!!  I have over 1,000 pictures to share (Dad...I didn't want to let you down!!) but I will only share a few "highlights" from each day!

Our first full day at Disney, we experienced our first character breakfast.  That is when you have breakfast and different Disney character some to your table for autographs and pictures.  We did learn that the buffets are amazing, but you are hesitant to leave your table due to the fact that you might miss a character coming to your table.  We ate so many mickey waffles, that towards the end of our trip, I really didn't want to eat another Mickey thing!!

Goofy was the first character we met...so much fun!!

We also met Donald Duck at this breakfast. Jack thought his little duck tail was pretty funny and we caught him playing with it!!

JACK-A ROO..leave Donald's tail alone!!

Our first day was spent at Disney Hollywood Studios. Jack danced with Phineas and Ferb.  Phineas is the character with the long nose.  While Jack was dancing with Phineas, Phineas looked down to see where Jack was...jack ducked so that long nose wouldn't poke him and ended up falling over Phineas's big foot and scrapping up his knee pretty well.  Phineas felt AWFUL!  Jack was a trooper, but kept grabbing his knee...hence why Phineas and Ferb are grabbing their knees in this picture.

When we left the above photo shot, jack announced, "Here it comes!"  meaning the blood from the scrap.  No big deal, I came prepared with band-aids!  It then became an official Belding vacation!

Went to an Indiana Jones "stunt" show.  Indy, in this show, was the real Indiana Jones body double.  The boys LOVED this show!

We met so many characters...more to come in a later post.  Sam asked Mr. Incredible and Frozone (from the movie The Incredibles) to Tebow with him! 

Another highlight of the day, was when the boys BOTH got picked to take part in Jedi Training on stage.

They fought Darth Vader as their final test.

We did A LOT of eating...we soon started to see a theme with all the food!!
At the end of this day, we realized it IS impossible to do an entire park in one day!  We decided to come back to this one later in the week.
Tomorrow...Animal Kingdom!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, these are AWESOME pictures! Your boys are the perfect age for this trip!

