Friday, November 18, 2011

Mickey's Very Merry X-mas Party...

On the third evening, Disney was having their first Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party of the year...this wasn't on our agenda, but who can pass up a Christmas Party..Not us!!

Magic Kingdom closed to all who did not have a ticket to the Xmas did they manage that? You got a wrist band and had to show it crossing over certain areas and if you wanted to get into a restaurant or bathroom!! No wristband, no service...clever!

We had to have some celebratory hats!!

The first thing you saw when walking into the Magic Kingdowm was the ice...absolutely amazing!!

Our first stop was a dance party with Pluto...

and Goofy. Check our those moves on Sam!!

We also got to see a rare spotting of the seven dwarfs!!

The line to get a "real" photo with the dwarfs was LOOOOOOOOng, so we took our own photo!!

Off to another dance party with Woody, Jessy and Bullseye! Look at jack's moves...both boys get those moves from their dad!

We had COMPLIMENTARY cookies and hot chocolate!!

Watched the Christmas parade..beautiful!

Off to watch the fireworks and Jack fell asleep before they began. No worries, all he needed was a power nap and he rallied for the amazing fireworks show. Non of us had seen a show like that before...truly magical (did I really just say that!!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow! It looks amazing! Love the castle! The one time we were there in December it didn't work for us to go to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. I've regretted that ever since!

