Monday, September 26, 2011

Third Times a Charm...

Moose is on her thrid bandage set.

On Saturday, my mom was over. I walked her out to her car to say good-bye. While outside, the neighbor stopped by and I got all caught up in neighboring! Headed back inside and Moose had chewed off her bandages...AGAIN!! Off we went to the vet...again!!

Why didn't she have her cone on? She did, until my mom stopped by and we were sitting in the living room with Moose, so I took off her cone. We now have the cone on her except if we are directly in the room!

Hernew bandage says, "NO CHEW!" Like Moose can read that! (heehee..just kidding!) That's what i told the boys though! Actually, the bandage is to have a bitter taste and discourage chewing. Get this...the boys actually licked the cast when she got home to see if it was bitter...they reported that it tasted HORRIBLE!! A true Belding Boy moment!! Gosh, they keep me proud!

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