Thursday, September 22, 2011

Landscaping Update...

the landscaping project is coming right along...too bad I won't be able to ever enjoy it...saw ANOTHER snake!! I am really trying to convince myself that it is the same one...not a nest of them! UGH!!

These are steps that will lead down to a second patio and fire pit...

A view of the wall from the lower level. the area between the upper patio and lower patio, will be filled with bushes and perennials.

I listen to this small digger all makes a lot of noise for such a small thing!

Back to my pain:
So I see the snake by our garbage cans. (why do I always see it???) I decided to ask the landscapers if they would be willing to kill it for me (they are landscapers..they must deal with snakes ALL the time!). I go over to them (there are three) and ask, "Hey, I am deathly afraid of snakes and I just saw one. Would any of you be willing to kill it for me?" Two of the guys just looked at each other and thankfully, the third one said, "I'll help you out." So we were walking over to the "spotting area" and the guy whispers to me, "Those two guys are DEATHLY afraid of snakes, too. They would have never helped you out." "It's a good thing you are here then!" What else was I to say??? Unfortunately, he couldn't find the snake.

You all realize, that i will see another snake or a snake mating ball (yea..they mate in one big ball!) and the two that won't help will be the only ones working.
My legs are aching something terrible as I am writing this...

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