Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday Moose...

We are starting to get into a routine with Moose. the first few days after surgery were pretty rough.
I slept on the couch the first night home,Tuesday, and got about 4 hours of sleep. (for those of you who know me, I value my sleep!) She just couldn't get settled in a comfy place. Every time she got up, I woke up...hence we both took HUGE naps on Wednesday!

On Thursday morning, I came home after taking Jack to school, Sam was home sick, and Moose had chewed her bandages off!! ("That is so nasty, mom!" shared Sam. Oh really, Mr. Obvious? I hadn't noticed her bulging stitches on her shaved leg!) So off to the vet we went to get her re-wrapped. now she has an awesome red cast to go with her ISU collar! The vet shared that her leg had swelled and she may have been pretty uncomfortable and that is why she chewed the bandage off. She could get to the lower part of her leg, because her "daisy" didn't reach that far.

No more daisy for Moose...we now get free cable channels with her cone! She is so good about wearing it, but she in'st happy about wearing it...she runs into things and cannot see anywhere she is heading.

She also wasn't eating well, so I was encouraged to mix some hamburger and rice into her regular dog food. So I did. Friday was the first time she ate her breakfast and dinner!

She still stays close to the boys. (Sam was home with a terrible cold for two days and she laid where he laid!)

See how her little paw is peeking out from the bottom of her cast. Well, about two hours after her rewrap we headed back to the vet because (sorry for the yucky description) it was dripping...liquid. The vet explained that the swelling was going down and her body was getting rid of it. I didn't ask what "it" was that she was getting rid of. So they wrapped up the bottom of her foot this time. i think she is more comfortable with that extra protection (or I am!)

Jack talks with her when he gets home from school...

This looks SO uncomfortable. She isn't able to slide with her bandage, so she slides and her leg doesn't. don't worry, i quickly and gently push her onto her side, which is more comfortable.

And she is still getting alot of TLC...Sam and Jack were watching TV and Jack made sure she knew he was close by!
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  1. Oh Moose, I hope you get feeling better soon!!

  2. This is so sounding like her tail incident. We just couldn't get her to heal because she would not leave it alone and it is so hard to keep that cone on her all the time! It just broke my heart! You are wonderful to her! I am sending her good wishes!

