Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moose Update...

Moose did well on Monday with her surgery and spent that night at the vet for observation. She was able to come home yesterday, late afternoon. She was as happy (as happy as she could be with a peg leg) when she saw us. You could tell she was ready to be with her family.

When we got home, she went right to her bed and laid down. The short trip home exhausted her! When we aren't around and at night, she gets to wear her blue "daisy" (not the cone of shame) to keep her from licking her bandages.

Her leg has a splint on the back side and then wrapped VERY well. Moose will have the wrap for 4-6 weeks. Amazingly, she is adapting pretty well. She will drag her leg (then you know she is tired) or she will hold it up a bit when she goes outside. I will have to show you her pretty bootie she will wear when it rains!

Here you can see where they shaved her. They did have to take a small bone graph (the really red spots on her upper leg) to help the plate fuse to her leg bone. The other leg was shaved a bit for her IV. The feel of the bald spots amazed the boys...just like skin!

Overall, Moose is doing really well. I feel terrible for her, but now she is REALLY on the road to recovery. The surgeon/vet said that she was such a good dog with all of this! Moose is getting extra treats with her meds and LOADS of TLC...she deserves every minute of it!!
By the way...thanks for all the well wishes!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! I hope her road to recovery continues - you are a great nurse for her!

