Monday, September 19, 2011

Moosie May...

Moose hurt her leg about 4 weeks ago and she has adapted to it, but it really hasn't gotten any better. Out next step was to take her to an orthopedic surgeon. We found out that Moose has torn her tendons and ligaments in her left ankle. The Dr. cannot repair the tears, so Moose is having surgery today to have a plate put in her left foot. It will run from the top of her foot to above her ankle. She will no longer be able to move her ankle, but she will heal and be able to go on walks and play ball again, which she has not been allowed to do since the "accident." 

 How did she do this? Well, the surgeon shared with us that this type of injury is usually seen with both ankles. A dog will jump out of the car and tear up both sides...Moose only did one side. We know she ran into the woods after something, so we believe that she hit a hole, tearing up the left ankle.

She will spend the night at the hospital and come home tomorrow. Will let you know how she is doing later this week...please send good healing vibes her way!  Thanks!!


  1. I told Esther this morning and she's been depressed ever since! :) Esther wishes you a fast recovery Moose!!

  2. Our dog had that very same thing happen and had that very same surgery.

  3. Oh, I feel terrible for Moose! Plesae let me know how she does! I also feel bad for you!

