Tuesday, September 27, 2011


The book, Room, is told from the perspective of 5 year old Jack, who shares about his daily activities and life with his ma. The catch is, is that Jack has lived his entire life in a 11x11 room with her.  His mother was kidnapped 7 years ago by "Old Nick." His mother truly tries to make his life as "normal" as possible, which is laid out in the first half of the book. Suddenly it really dawned on me, that Jack has no idea what the outside world is like...he only knows what is inside the 11x11 room.  

 I really thought this book would bother me, especially the name and age of the boy, but the way the story is told and how fiercely protective and determined his mother is of Jack, it wasn't as difficult of read as I had anticipated.  At one point, I could not put the book down...Jason even woke up and told me to turn off the light!  I would recommend this book...I can guarantee at one point in the book, you too, won't be able to put it down. 

1 comment:

  1. It is a good read. I had some trouble getting with the rhythm if the voice but kept going and found myself looking forward to picking it up. Like you, I had to stay up to finish it

