Friday, August 12, 2011

Thumbs Up...NOT!

So...stay with me through this story...

We had been sleeping on the main floor due to when we did our remodeling, our contractor removed 2 of our 3 cold air return vents (they circulate air through your house) thinking the one that was left would be fine...NOT! So, we had to have Bell Brothers come out and put in three new cold air return vents. This caused the basement ...where my scrapbooking room is located to become covered, once again, with dust and bits of wood. (the first time was during the remodeling.) I did cover everything with towels and you would think that the Bell Brother person would be considerate of the area...NOT! He actually spilled a diet coke (I know I should not have left it there) on my scrap desk and did not clean it up. Nice.  Well, the other day, I went downstairs and dusted and vacuumed everything and everywhere down there. While doing that, I unhooked our old phone because we didn't need it and Jason had never gotten around to unhooking it...just helping out...NOT!! I have been without Internet for the last few days and could not figure it out...well, it had something to do with that phone cord that I unhooked. (that is why I have not been blogging or answering emails.)

So, We went out to eat tonight and Jack got a chocolate chip cookie. He ate half and wrapped the rest in a napkin to take home. The waitress took the napkin without me noticing and jack was in tears (and he is very tired) because he has no cookie. So, we get another cookie before we leave the restaurant and wrap it into a napkin. Jason is holding the cookies and decided to try one out...sets Jack back into tears. We leave. We get home and Sam sets the cookies on the low table by our door. While I am trying to figure out why I don't have Internet, Moose keeps coming over and whining to me...she won't go out...she won't lay down...she won't settle down. Fine. Go back to working with the it to work..What is Moose munching on...JACK'S CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE!!
I don't think i will tell him until morning...and maybe he won't notice...NOT!!!
(so this is really all my contractor's fault!)

