Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Where's Moose...

I was looking through pictures and noticed how many that Moose is in...by accident and because she just wants to be around her people!

Here the boys were dressed up as they were going on a date...Moose thought she could go, too.

Jack was collecting rocks while Moose patiently checked out what he was up to...

Sometimes getting a picture of the boys can be difficult when she is distracting them...

Enjoying watching the crowd shuck corn...

Hanging out with her boy...I think they might be starting to look like each other...hmmm.

Trying to get a family picture and Moose wondering what we were up to!

Moose is actually laying on the floor and Jack is crowding her for once!!

Moose is such a silly and fun dog...we sure do enjoy having her in our family!!
(I am thinking of making Mondays be "Moose on Monday." She would love that! She did have a sleep over to share about!)
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