Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday Moose...

As "promised" but not guaranteed, A little Moose on Monday!

Moose's friend Esther had a sleep over last Friday night. Moose was pretty darn excited to have her over, while Esther wanted Moose to "chill" a bit. At one point, Esther had her head on my lap and Moosie May came over, looked at Esther and gave her a big sloppy kiss on the side of her mouth. Esther's mouth snapped shut and the only thing that moved was the very front of her clenched lips...reminding Moose that wasn't very lady like!

This is what Esther and Moose looked like before the kiss...

and this is Esther afterwards. Pure shock to Esther and I think Moose is saying, ""

Another Moose story:
Yesterday i was out watering my plants and Moose decided to wander in the woods...she rarely does this. I think she may have heard or seen something that I know 1.she  didn't know what it was and 2. she wouldn't catch it anyway. Doesn't stop her from heading in thought.  So, after about a minute, she comes out of the woods with her head hung low. She came up to me and she looked green...literally! She had ran through a brier type patch, while in the woods, and had little green briers stuck ALL OVER HER! To bad it wasn't Halloween because she could have gone as a green elf. So Jason and I spent a good hour pulling burs from her fur. thank goodness, she just laid there AND had the audacity to fall we were giving her an all over body rub!

She fits right in with our family!

PS:  Sam and Jack started school today.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I hate fall for only that very reason. She always seemed to do that right when I wanted/needed to be somewhere else and like you said she needed a good 1 hour of pulling briars out. I have resorted to cutting before and made her look awful!

