Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Grand Opening...

Yesterday was the first day of school for the boys. Sam is in 4th and Jack is in Kindergarten.
I asked Jack, "What is today?"
"THE GRAND OPENING!" he replied!

Everyone got up nice and early...even Jack (which will probably be the only day!) Unfortunately, the only thing he could eat for breakfast was a yogurt because his tummy was too nervous. Sam, no problem...old pro.

Picture time! Poor Moose..I think she just realized that her boys were going to be gone all day, "What? All day?!"

Jack standing by his cubbie...with his green shirt, green lunch box and green backpack. (*sniff*)

And after school...both boys were STARVING, so Cold Stone Creamery was on the menu...look at Moose, she won't leave their side!

As you can see, Moosie was very happy to have her boys back home!

And how did I do?
Well, i almost lost it walking down the hall to Jack's classroom and thought, "i can't do that here!"  When we left, Jason asked how I was doing.."Fine, the tears are right on the rim..so let's not talk about it."  What made it all ok was that Jack was so happy and excited...and that is what school is all about!

1 comment:

  1. Moose will have a playdate next week to keep her occupied for a little bit hopefully! :)

