Monday, November 15, 2010

Sam's First Bill...

Sam received his first bill...

An overdue from the library!!

He had the book in his room and I kept telling him that he needed to return the book. When i saw it in his room, I asked him sternly, why had he not returned the book to the library...he told me, "It isn't a school book, mom. It is the PUBLIC library and i can't drive there." What is a mother to say except, "Well, you should have told me it was a public library book." (a total jack statement!!)
 So, do I pay for the fine or do I have Sam pay for the fine?? What would you do?


  1. lol I'd probably tell him that normally he would have to pay it but in this case, since there was a mis-communication, that you will be a nice mommy and pay the fine for him. But any future offenses will be his to cover! lol

  2. marlo/mom/nannyNovember 15, 2010

    I agree with Janet. Love the comment that he couldn't drive there.... chuckle!

  3. WOW it even says Sam T. Belding! Too funny, agree with Janet also.

  4. Ms. Katie - really, what do you think I'd say....but you know how I'm biased towards Sam!!!

    Okay...I agree with Janet.

