Friday, November 12, 2010

Sam, Sam, Sam...

Funny Sam StoryThe other day, Sam and I are talking away while in the car. Suddenly i say, "Whoa! I didn't see those people." (there were two people walking on the road after dark) Sam asks, "Where they making out?" I am thinking, "Where in the world is this coming from?" So i asked him what did it mean to make out? Kissing, he replied. So then i asked him if he had been making out with anyone? (completely joking!!) and he says, "NO! But I will have to one day."

That sparks my interest and invokes further questions..."Why will you have to make out one day?" He goes on to explain, "Well, I am going to get married." Me thinking - good answer. He then goes on after a bit of reflection. (at this point, I must tell you that Sam takes meds for his cold sores) "Mom, I sure hope i don't get a cold sore on my wedding day. She totally won't want to kiss me with a big nasty juicy thing on my lip. I will definitely have to take my medicine on that day." little planner.

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