Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Test Run...

Jack got his new winter coat the other day and tried it on...then he decided that he should put on ALL his winter gear to see that it fit AND how good he looked...

I went to the library the other day to check out a book. When i got to the counter, I told the librarian that I needed to pay my son's fine. (yeas, I paid it!! Thanks for all the input!) She then went to check out my book and told me I had an $8.00 fine!! HOLY CRAP! Guess you shouldn't point fingers!
(By the way, it was Jack's books that were overdue by 100 days and cost me 8 buck-a-roos! 
And as a good mom, I foot that bill, too!  :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW, he better head for AZ he can't walk in that outfit!
    Gma O

