Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stomach Flu...

Poor Jack cannot get a break on catching "bugs." I got a call at work on Monday, from the babysitter, that Jack was throwing up. That was about three in the afternoon. The poor little guy was so sick with the stomach flu that he continued to get sick until nine that night. It was awful!! Thank goodness my mom came over for a bit to help and then she took Sam home with her. If you know me, I cannot stand vomit of any, once again, I had to suck it up! Oh - and of course, Jason was out of town!!

This is Jack on day two. He serious slept most of the day. He got out of bed upstairs around 1:30 and came down to the couch. He fell back to sleep at 5:00pm and slept until the next morning. The poor thing was just wiped out!

On day three watched a lot of TV. As you can see, I have not showered or put on make up on for two days...that happens when you have a sick one! After being sick two weeks in a row, I think he should be done in the sick department for the season...just cross your fingers that Sam doesn't get it...he is a bit more dramatic about sickness..


  1. Oh, my! That must have been some flu. I hope the rest of you guys stay well! The stomach flu is the WORST. I'm with you on that, chica. :/

  2. Sheesh...I'm giving myself the willies just typing that....

