Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Character Counts...

Sam won an award for his good character. Yea , Sam! You can see how proud he is by his face. When I first saw this photo, I thought the teacher picked the four shortest kids in the class and Sam. Then I thought, is he standing on a box? Nope, our Sammy is just one tall kiddo AND the other kids are on the shorter end.

Have been so busy with things...hope to get back in the blogging habit. Have been working on several projects...just need to take photos and post them for you viewing enjoyment! Have been enjoying the weather and things are blooming in the yard...so exiting!!


  1. Go, Sam! That is awesome! Can't wait to see what you've been up to, Katie.

    Maybe one of these days I'll even get to see you IN REAL LIFE!

  2. Way to go Sam! We are proud of you
    You have a big reason to smile

    nanny and grandpa

  3. Sam that is wonderful! Gma & Gpa are so proud of you. You are just a special boy. We love you!


