Thursday, April 1, 2010

I am a Minja...

Jack spent the other day dressed up as a minja.
"A what?" I asked him kindly.
"A minja."
"Do you mean a ninja?" I stated.
"Nope. A minja."
And off he went...

"Look how sharp my blade is."
I wonder sometimes if I should be concerned...then I remember what I was doing and dressing up like when I was his age. (Did you know that if you take the bottom of your t-shirt and pull it through the neck hole, it makes an awesome halter top?)


  1. i don't think you have anything to worry about until he comes down dressed as cinderella. and oh, yes, those "katie inspired" halter shirts were quite the fashion statement. and they even looked better when you stood in front of your bedroom mirror singing "delta dawn."

  2. haha And I think you turned out ok! I doubt he'll grow up to be a terrorist! lol

    As always, love the pics! Life at your house must be non-stop crazy!

