Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What a Difference a Day Makes...

Last Thursday night we were in Scottsdale, Arizona. The weather was amazing and there was green grass outside our hotel!! I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a FAMILY foot picture!
On Friday, we got off the plane to this....we got about 30 minutes out of Omaha and had to pull over for the night. Cars were going off the road in front of us and I insisted that we find a hotel! So, we stayed in Avoca at the hotel motel 6.
Sam and I decided that in the morning, we would we count cars in the ditch. If there was 10 cars, it was a good idea to pull over. If there was less than 10, then we could have made it home. We counted about 50 cars. It was a great decision by the looks of some of those cars!


  1. Nicei toes everyone.

    So you had your camera working even with the white knuckle traffic. I bet you would scrapbook your car in the ditch....crazy lady.

  2. We were driving home from Newton in that same weather. Not good at all! Hopefully that is the last of it for this winter!

