Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Buzz Light Year...

Yesterday, Jack came up from the basement stating, "Mom! I found my Buzz Light Year costume AND it still fits!" Well, one look at it and you can see it does NOT many different ways. He ran up and got some LONG white socks to fill in the "blank" area (his legs.)
Good as new!
Here is Jack realizing that the circles are actually suppose to be over his knees. He kept pulling at the legs in an attempt to make them longer. Didn't work. When he turned around, the back end looked very uncomfortable and he kept pulling at that, too. I asked him, are you sure you are comfortable? "Yep," was all I got.
Here is a fantastic Buzz Light Year pose. Jack ran around the house yelling, "Scanners in the gate! Zurg is in the area!"
Check out how tight the purple "helmet" is. You can see the entire outline of his ears! When he sat down, he had to take off the hood, it was choking him!
All of this and it still didn't stop him from wearing it all afternoon!


  1. marlo/mom/nannyJanuary 27, 2010

    I know how Jack's mind works. I also have put on clothes and thought they fit just fine.

    Go Buzz Light Year!

  2. He looks like a speed skater!

  3. Oh, my gosh...I am laughing! It's ok to be in denial, Jack!

