Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ice Chipping...

Last week, after the ice storm, the boys went out to chip ice from the driveway. They SO wanted and needed to get do anything!
Soon, Jack gave up and decided that pushing the ice with the large shovel was more up his alley. If you look closely, you can see lots of little pieces of ice, those are the pieces that were falling from the trees, not what Sam had chipped off.
In this picture, where is looks as if snow has fallen on the ice or the lighter white spots, that is actually more ice falling from the trees. Every one in awhile, Sam and Jack would head in the garage to take "shelter."
Sam is holding a stick that fell on him while chipping.

I felt bad for Sam, because he sure did work hard and then three days later, his efforts were covered up with snow from the blizzard!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go boys you did great!! Jack love your hat!!

