Monday, January 25, 2010

Outage, Blizzard and Mourning...

I have not had Internet since Friday morning. I just got back on Monday night. I will have new posts, beginning Wednesday.

For those of you in nice warm weather, we had our third blizzard of the season yesterday. I am officially tired of winter. Saturday was in the 40s with rain, but at least it melted a bit of the snow that day. We could actually see our driveway once again...I was so excited. Them, BAM, snow the next night and no more clear driveway...loads of drifts...again.

We are also wearing black because we have been in mourning due to the Vikings lost. We still are not talking about it. Our jerseys have been put a way for the season. We are now praying that Favre will come back for one more more try...

I think god things will start to happen because bad things happen in threes...I am hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Katie, you are in a deep blue funk. Or should I say a deep purple funk...

    But just think: Our big MB road trip is coming up! Who knows what shenanigans might occur???

