Thursday, December 17, 2009

Santa at Bass Pro Shop...

Last night I took the boys to see the Bass Pro Shop!! I heard the Santa is awesome, there's things for the kids to do while waiting and a reindeer! So off we went after school...

Santa came to the shop at 5:00. We got there at 4:30, so we were the 3rd people in line! That rocked! The boys went and did some things around the winter village while I waited in line.
The Santa was awesome (with a REAL beard!) Here is Sam telling Santa about the things he would like...Jack waits patiently.
Then Jack's turn. It took him awhile to warm up and then he took FOREVER to let Santa know everything he wanted. Sam is getting the giggles!!
Oh - the reindeer if over Sam's left shoulder. A nice stuffed version!


  1. Love the pictures Katie, but not sure Santa can get those 4 wheelers down the chimney! Gma Snowbird

  2. What awesome pictures! Love that last one!

