Thursday, December 17, 2009

Behind the Scenes...

While we waited for Santa, Jack practiced his target shooting...
After our visit with Santa, the boys checked out the 4-wheelers...Check out the wild kid on the right. I do wish parents would control their kids in public!!
The boys thought this one would be perfect for our new place! Sam asked if he could go back and talk to Santa...hmmm, think this green number was going to be in the discussion???
We even took a rest in an ice house!

At one point I looked at Jas and said,
"No offense, but I really wish I was shoe shopping right now."

A side story:
On Sunday I headed to work. Sam crawled in bed with me that morning and said, "It's ok that you have to work all day today, mom. Jack, dad and I are going to hang out and do some man stuff. It really beats going clothes shopping with you." and off he went....

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