Friday, December 18, 2009

Interesting Sights at the Vikings Game...

Last weekend Jason and I went to the Vikings game up in Minneapolis...instead of sharing the usual shots of Farve and Adrian Petersen :), I thought you would enjoy some other sights from the game....
The Vikings played the Cinn. Bengals. These fans had Bengal tigers hooked through their Vikings horns, by their mouths...
Jason and I decided that this would be us in about 20 years!!
A picture of Jas and I, but look at the guy above Jason's head...SOUND ASLEEP! He kept tipping over and catching himself!
And this is an "oh my" moment. The guy was drinking and toasting the crowd with his prosthetic leg...(I hope this doesn't offend anyone!)
Once again, never a dull moment!

1 comment:

  1. I do not even know what to say about that last photo! lol I'm all for dual functionality but...

    And that guy sleeping? That was Spouse at the Cold Play concert!

