Monday, December 21, 2009

After a Long Winter's Nap...

On Friday, I woke up from a little two hour nap on the couch and looked out the window. "NO WAY!" I said to myself. There was a deer eating from our bird feeders. Sure does beat the squirrels!

The deer or "bucktooth" as Jack refers to them, walked around the house. I took this picture out a different window, which was fogged over, and realized that the deer only had one rack of horns!! On Saturday a doe came to the bird feeder or what Jack would call "A Peach!"

1 comment:

  1. Awww, poor baby! I wonder what happened to him. I don't think he can fly with only one antler!

    Soooo glad I got the interwebs back, Katie! Now that I've checked the NPR site and your blog, I'm once again informed about the world! ;-)

