Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Germ...

Sam created a germ in art class at school and it was chosen to be in a local art show this week. He was so proud (as we were, too!) It was great fun to see other kids' art work...Roo's favorites included the paper boxing gloves, the gigantic candy ring and he pretended to drink from a three foot drink box (imagine that!)

Sam and his germ.
The germ up-close.

And Roo...I didn't ask him to stand there after taking Sam's picture, it is just that he is so trained, that he stood where Sam was and said, "Cheese." (he is enjoying a cookie.)


  1. He's the child of a scrapbooker! lol
    Love the germ! Very colorful and creative. You have a budding artist on your hands, Katie!

  2. Watch out Eric Carle! Sam's Germ could compete with your illustrations of the Hungry Caterpillar.
    Mighty fine germ Sam

