Monday, March 16, 2009

312 Cards...

Sam has discovered building homes using playing cards. He gathers all the cards he can find (which with this house was 6 decks) and begins to build. Guess what the biggest challenge for us got it...Roo. We need to distract him with something else, so Sam is able to build his creation. After Sam finished this little number, we quickly took pictures, before the "little tornado" came through. Yep, Roo would run past the house as fast as he could to "make wind" on "accident." Thankfully, there was little damage.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, maybe you have a budding architect on your hands! A friend of my dd's does this for fun. Did you happen to see the guy at the fair a few years back who builds card structures for a living? (Not that you'd want to suggest that to your son!!lol) BUT they were super cool. On the last day of the fair, they were knocked over and everyone got to take home some cards. We still have them (of course)!

