Friday, March 13, 2009

A Star Wars Collage...

Yesterday, Roo was entertaining himself with Star Wars stickers. Sounds good to me...nice and quiet and busy (so I can do important computer work.) This is a close up of Roo's Star Wars collage. Nice work....

Just a little step back from the collage...still looking good...but, can you see where this might be going?

Now a little further back...yep, at this time, you can probably tell what he used as his backdrop to stick his Star Wars stickers.

Jack pointing is his beautiful Star Wars collage that he created on the hallway WALL!! Oh well, JB and I were planning on painting it at some time...sooner then later, now.


  1. And now it might just be sooner. OR you could just frame it and call it art.

  2. I love the fact that you took the pictures instead of freaking out. Quite the creative child - I like the way he clustered them in such an artistic way! :-)

  3. Hahahahaha! Oh, my!! I am gasping! It's pretty darn cute, if I do say so.

