Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lent Part III...Big Sis Comment...

If you know my sister, then you know her sense of humor, "free-spiritedness" and spontaneity (which is another blog at another time.) She is one of the funniest people I know and she makes me laugh until I go stealth and start to cry. I have to share her comment about the "Early Lent" posting:
Big Sis says:
watch it. next thing you know, you will come downstairs in the morning and he will be sitting at the table with a thermos of coffee, smoking a cigarette.
I wouldn't put it past my sister to be sitting right by Roo reading the paper.
Thanks for the laughs Big Sis!! Love You!!

Sam took this picture, one afternoon, of Big Sis making faces towards me (in the front seat) when I couldn't see her...some things never change!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU LOADS too Lil Sis! Don't know what i would do without cha!

