Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Drinks and Boxes...

Yesterday was the day that Jack and I went to Starbucks for the week...together, because I may have to go again this week, by myself. We pulled into the drive-through and this was the conversation:

Me: "Jack do you want a scone today?"
Jack: "No, not today. I just want a drink today."
Me: Do you want hot chocolate?
Jack: (in a lazy voice) No, not today. I am going to have some juice in a box.
Me: (thinking - how old are you?) You mean apple juice...
Jack: Yea, in a box , please.
Me: Do you want a scone?
Jack: No.
Me: (surprised) No scone?
Jack: No, just an apple box, today.
Me: No scone?
Jack: Well, I changed my mind. (imagine that!) I will have a scone and a box, today.

So Jack got his apple juice drink box. If you have ever dealt with a drink box, there is an art to those things...they should teach classes on how to deal with them!!

First, I put the straw into the drink box... after ripping it from the side, which I swear is glued on with super-glue. Then you have to pull and tug and finally tear the straw with your teeth from the super sealed wrapper it's in.

Anyway, I put the straw into the box, (after stabbing the sealed tin circle umpteen times - that is as wide as the straw), but unfortunately, I did not put the straw in the full "up-right" position.
So when I handed it back to Roo, the juice shot out of the straw all over my console. (Thank goodness I have about 50 napkins in my glove compartment from previous Starbucks visits!)

Oh, I must confess, I might have given the little drink box a totally unintentional, slight squeeze, which is a MAJOR NO-NO!! You are NEVER to squeeze the drink box! Again, there should be a waring label about the squeeze. Finally, I got Roo his drink box and scone. I looked in my review mirror and asked how was his drink box and scone. He gave my a thumbs up...which makes it all worth it.

PS - To my friends that are reading today, would you mind leaving a comment. (no I am not desperate for a little positive feedback!) My parents are out of town and are trying to read and comment on my postings, but aren't having any luck. I don't now if I have an issue that I am not seeing or if it is their issue. :) Thanks for helping me out!


  1. Testing 1, 2, 3. Testing 1, 2, 3.

    Have a great day - and yes, I learned years ago on those juice boxes...never to squeeze!!!

  2. Thanks Julie! To my must have to do something with your wireless connection to the hotel...keep trying! Stay is raining and 34 here today.

  3. I thought is was just a Gma thing having problems with the juice boxe. You made me feel better.

