Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Crabby Day!

Sam has his Valentine party for school tomorrow (they do not have school on Friday.) So, we started to get the box ready on Monday and I asked him to think about what he would like to decorate his VD box with....well, Sam needed to think about it, and think about it and think about it. I checked in with him every day, determined that this WAS NOT going to become my project! Today after school I asked him what he wanted to do...still the answer, "I don't know." At this point, I am getting a bit frustrated.

So this evening, "What do you want on your box?" Sam, "I don't know..hearts. " Oh COURSE, we don't have any sticker hearts in the house! This is about when Mr. Helpful JB steps in. "You don't want hearts!" Then looking at me, "Don' t we have any Star Wars stickers around here he could put on his box?" Me, "You can go find some." (I am getting a bit crabby at this point.) Well, JB never comes back with the stickers, but with, "I have an idea!" Me (after trying to help with the idea) " two just figure it out! I'm done." Well, about 20 minutes later the boys emerge with this in hand...a crabby Valentine box! I must admit, it is pretty darn awesome and creative. I am proud of JB and Sam for getting this together! I just wonder if it was crafted after any one in particular that lives in our house???

PS - To my parents, hope you are feeling better after a rough couple days!!


  1. Okay - I feel like I'm a stalker leaving comments on each entry but this is WAY to cute to not comment on! I thought you were sooo creative but as I read on - kudos to the boys!!! VERY CUTE! And nice seeing a pic of your sis... Good luck with class tonight.

  2. NO WAY! Jason did this? Has he been spending some time in your scrapping magazines to come up with this. by far, sam has the most rocking v-day box in the class!

  3. Oh, that's so darn cute! I need my own crabby box today! Hope your class went great!

