Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Early Lent...

One thing that I am trying to cut back on is the morning routine of going to Starbucks after I drop Sam off at school. I was going every day, but now I have cut back to 1 or 2 times during the week, not counting the weekends. :) I am making my own coffee with my mini-coffee maker. yippie. Anyway, the reason I needed to start to cut back was because Roo has decided he needed a morning pick-me-up, too. When I would go through the drive-up, Jack would say, "I want a crapacino, too!" Yes, he calls my frapacino a crapacino - which it is far from being!! So, finally, one day, I ordered him a kid's cocoa~to curb his cravings. Yep, they have kid size drinks, too. He thought that was the cat's meow. Well, now he would like me to get him a "coffee" each time we would go to Starbucks. So, I had to put an end to that. He now gets his "coffee" and cinnamon scone maybe once a week. (I know mom, I could say no, but I don't think you would either!!) The pictures below show Roo, his coffee and scone. I love the one with his hand...just like a little adult!


  1. watch it. next thing you know, you will come downstairs in the morning and he will be sitting at the table with thermos of coffee smoking a cigarette.

  2. is it lent? man, i am so going to hell.

  3. No sister M, it is not lent...yet. Your comments rock - keep them coming!!!

