Saturday, January 10, 2009

Poor Roo...

I have officially gotten most of Christmas put away and I am excited to "have my house" back...poor Roo is not. JB started to take the tree down late Tuesday night. (yes, it is Saturday, we hate to rush the process.) On Wednesday, I heard Roo rustling around in the front room. I went to check out what he may be up too - you just never know. Bless his little heart, he was trying to put the tree back up! "We need this tree!" he said in a shaky little voice as he looked up at me with his big brown eyes. I tried to explain that it was time to put x-mas away. And get this ~ he started to cry!! Last night I found this on his bedroom door...just makes your heart go...oh...

(those are night vision glasses hanging on his doorknob ~ more on those later....)


  1. Tell Roo he can come to my house - I still have mine up...

    I know what he means...I don't like taking it down either. Something magical about it.

  2. And you mean you didn't put it back up?

  3. Oh, how precious! Katie, this is a scrapbook page in the making! Now print out that awesome journaling right now! :-)

  4. Oh, the poor baby! How sad. I'll get mine back out!!

