Friday, January 9, 2009

Mr.Yellow Belt...

Last night, Sam had his yellow belt test in Tae-kwon-do (I call it hi-ya class.) First he had his regular class and then testing...we were there for 2 hours, so he was a bit antsy during testing. You are to stand still (chun,chow, chin...something like that)...Sammy was like..yea whatever... He was beat, but very excited about getting his yellow belt and breaking a big board.

Doing a form during testing. I don't know how to spell it, but it is pronounced chun-g. I just call it chi tea...easier to remember!

Breaking his board - yea!!!

Sammy got his instructors to sign the broken board. He kept telling us how his head master (Chuck Norris - haha--jk!!) told him that he had a great test.

During the testing time, JB was a bit antsy too...kept telling Chuck Norris jokes~did you know that under Norris's beard, he does not have a chin.....just another fist! HAHAHAHA!!!! I gotta go to bed.

Oh - thanks to my dad for letting me borrow one of his zoom lenses for my worked awesomely and I got some great shots!!!


  1. Wow, congrats to Sam! What an accomplishment! And it doesn't hurt your hand to break a board? I'm always amazed by that!

  2. Janet, he broke it with his foot....

  3. Can you say Kung-Fooo!!!! Awesome. So enjoying reading your blog! Are you helping with inventory tomorrow night? There's a good place for my photo-of-a-day.

  4. Love that face!
    Way to go Sam...your nanny is proud.
    Grandpa is proud but will steer clear of your foot moves!

  5. Way to go Sam....your form looked great! Keep up the good work!

  6. you ROCK kung fu sammy!


