Monday, January 12, 2009

More Snow...

On Saturday we had a lot of unexpected snow. Sam was so excited to get out into it that he volunteered to go and get the paper. He was so elated that we "had a big drift across our driveway and it came up over his boots! " (JB didn't see the excitement about it. Everyone in the neighborhood has snow blowers - not us - JB is still old school and shovels. Our fabulous neighbors usually snow blow our driveway for us - I am thinking that JB doesn't want to get a snow blower because he would then have to use it and the neighbors wouldn't do it for him.... hmmmmm. ) Anyway, Sam was so excited that he stopped and threw up some snow - in the air -not because he was chocking on it. It reminds you that snow was once pretty cool and exciting.


  1. GREAT photos! I remember loving to play outside in the snow...for all of about 5 minutes! I still love looking at it, but not being in it!

  2. isn't he the best?
    It reminded me of the snowy day that I was waiting for him outside the school. Those of us shivering in the cold were being grumpy about the snowfall when the kids burst outside explaining 'it is sowing" and they all looked like the picture of Sam. Major attitude adjustment for me./
    Marlo/mom/nanny MMN

  3. send that silly little child over to my house to shovel my driveway!

    .....isn't it weird that when you get older you can't seem to smile over snow like when you were little? my cool little nephews are the best at reminding me to try to keep your "kid eyes."

    but i still don't want to shovel my driveway.

    big sis

