Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One Word...

I follow Ali Edwards' blog. At the beginning of each year, she encourages you to choose one word to be your "guide" for the year. So, I have been trying to think of one word...several popped into my mind right away~sleep, nap, cough-medicine ~ but I don't think that was what she was getting at. So, now I am toying with these: enjoy, slow-down (yes, I know it is 2 words), relax... I'll let you know if I ever choose one.

If YOU had to choose a word, what would it be? I would love to see/hear about your ideas. Here is a link to her web site if you want to check out some words.



  1. Thanks - this is great! I liked reading through some of them. Inspiration that's for sure! Sorry to hear bout the Vikes - darn it. They have been my fave team since, uh, well, early 80s!!!

    Have a great day!

  2. Katie, a couple of years ago I chose the word "order" for my word. Since I didn't achieve order, I used it again last year!! And I'm using it this year, too! lol
    But I have to tell you a funny thing...I was using big red chipboard letters on the front of my one little word album, and that was the only thing I had room for and could spell with the letters I had left! :-) I don't think that is how you're supposed to choose your word! lol

