Monday, January 5, 2009

A Day of Mourning...

If you don't know, the Vikings lost yesterday to the Philly Eagles. So, as I wandered the house..I noticed some season ending pictures. JB's Vikings-t thrown on the floor, (which is a big no, no~especially the lucky t that has been worn EVERY Sunday. Thank goodness I can wash it now!) the "hat" thrown onto the pile of hats, (which is also okay-it was starting to smell) even Steve's bear seems down and out (reminds me that he needs to clean his room) and the rally towel or is it a towel to dry our tears (just another thing I am going to have to find a place for.) So, please say a little pray for us in our loss... (and a quiet hurray that all this can be picked up, washed and put away until next year!)
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1 comment:

  1. *sniff, sniff* Katie, I have to say I missed this bit of sad news...Although I know nothing about sports, I do like the purple color. ;-)

