Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Wanna be a Cowboy...

Roo LOVES his costumes. He dresses up at least once, if not more, each day. You just never know when batman, indy jones or a cowboy will show up beside you. Today I was working in my room and Cowboy Roo showed up on my doorstep. "Howdy, Cowboy Roo!" He looked at me and said, "I am not a cowboy yet!" and then he was gone. He returned and said, "I need whiskers!" and he proceeded to "grow" whiskers!

"Now I am a cowboy!"

Don't you just love the Indiana Jones Hat, Old Navy t-shirt, cowboy belt, snow boots and a pop-gun. Don't forget the green whiskers! I felt very safe with Cowboy Roo around!


  1. Oh, my gosh...those photos are priceless! I have never seen green whiskers before! You have a wonderful life, my deer. :-)

  2. His gpa E would be proud of him. What a guy!!Gma Sharon

  3. I love the green whiskers. I assume they washed off that night. Great material!!! I'm enjoying your blog - keep it up.

